Luke→John, Johannine Dependence on Luke
Summarized are 18 passages exhibiting a literary relationship between John and Luke. The evidence refutes views of priority or literary independence of John.
Summarized are 18 passages exhibiting a literary relationship between John and Luke. The evidence refutes views of priority or literary independence of John.
8 parallel cases are examined which show progressive embellishment through the Gospel tradition in the order of Luke→Mark→Matthew→John, the least reliable
Excerpts from Encyclopaedia Biblica including evidence Justin Martyr Favored Luke and Disfavored John and that Papias was not a ‘hearer of John’
Evidence of Paul’s attestation of Proto-Luke and the Fourth Gospel being contested by various believers in the 2nd Century
Examining the issues and evidence against dating the Fourth Gospel before 100 A.D.
Examining how the Fourth Gospel is the cause of endless confusion and speculation throughout the centuries.
Excerpts from Origen’s Commentary on the Fourth Gospel pertaining to John being more symbolic than historic
An overview of a major error in the dating of the Fourth Gospel, assuming an erroneous date for the P52 fragment
An overview of the devised literary structure of the Forth Gospel
Critical Scholarship on the dislocations and interpolations of the Fourth Gospel
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